Online Giving to St. Patrick's
First and foremost, THANK YOU!! God bless you. We are grateful that you undestand the need for funds to keep the church's doors open, maintain it and our outreach ministries.
Ways to give online and electronically to St. Patrick's Episcopal Church:
Ways to give online and electronically to St. Patrick's Episcopal Church:
- Use the Zelle banking app specifying [email protected] for payment. Be sure to indicate the church category to which you want your payment applied (Pledge, Building Fund, Sunday School/Youth Ministries, Haiti Appeal, etc.)
- Use the tool To use, you must first "Sign Up" and create an account using an email address and a password and PIN you select. Anytime after you Sign Up, simply "Login" using the email, password and PIN you selected. For payment, you may use your bank account, debit card or credit card. Then, select the church category to which you want your payment applied (Pledge, Building Fund, Sunday School/Youth Ministries, Haiti Appeal, etc.). You can also indicate if you wish to make a recurring donation to a specific category. You receive an email receipt.
Note that you may also use your smartphone to give via Simply install the App from the App store for your phone. Find St. Patrick's in West Palm Beach and tap "Give Now" to complete your gift.